Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day 1 in Hawaii!

Wow, where do I start! We woke up and my parents decided that we needed to be at the airport two and a half hours early. So, we tried to do that, but didn't end up leaving till close to 10am. That was cool. We got our tickets and went through the security area. Mark and I went to this other line, and they happened to have these way cool red bins to put your stuff in. It was so cool, plus everyone else in our line was using them so we did. Come to find out our line was going way slow! It was crazy. come to find out they check everything in the red bins! oops!!!! So we hurried and switched ours to the gray bins. (hint to all you future travelers that decide to take explosives on planes, dont put your stuff in the red bins at the airport. It will get searched) Funny thing is they checked my bag anyways. I was hoping I could get a picture of the guy searching, but he was really against that.
We got on the plane and mark and I were back on row 42. It was cool. I let him have the window, and I took the isle. We watched two movies one was called recount (pretty interesting) then the other one was Drill bit Taylor (funny, but sort of weird) I read most of the time. All of you that told me to stay awake I did. I watched part of the movie 21 as well. I still haven't seen the end. But that would be a cool movie to watch again. It was really interesting.

We arrived and my mom arranged for a lady to give us some leis. they are very pretty! It was cool. We then had to wait get the car. Ok that is enough of borring details. So I'm going to continue on. We got to the condo and it was way crazy! It has this cool loft. and some cool flat screen tv's.

Dinner time came around and we decided to drive and see what was around the condo so that we could eat fast. Well, everywhere we went it was Shrimp. Ok, I have to admit. I'm not a shrimp fan. Luckily neither is most the family. So we kept driving and found this restaurant that is called Crouching Lion. It was really cool! A great view of the ocean with palm trees. the food wasn't bad as well. Me and Mom had some shredded pork that was way salty. But it was good! Mark and Dad had some steak, It was good too!!! We came home and all of us fell asleep.

It was weird that at home it was the same time I usually fall asleep, but here it was only about 9pm. ok I will try to post some more later tonight the family is getting tired of waiting for me. I think they want to go do something in the rain. So I will put more up later.

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